Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm in to pretty things and pretty people

lets welcome summer right boys

(thats at the gas station they dropped me off at in the wilding mellow limo)

(thats alice defs)

this girl
(thats probably me)

(thats my bag)

white ekstasis
(thats a state of displacement, of being driven out of one's senses)

like werd?
(thats gangsta)

(thats my knee)

blue on blue
(thats whatever)

fuck you flowers, faggots
(thats beauty)

icing made me really into smirnoff ice
(thats me buying smirnoff ice with change)

the fondalisa
(thats him)

mom, the flowers are tripping againn...
(thats flowers on shrooms)

did they really have to change the charger for the blackberry?
I mean c'mon son....
(thats a bunch of old blackberry chargers)

(thats them)

Jake's portrait of me..
(thats exactly how i felt, and kinda how i feel right now)

how to walk straight through central park and end up where you start
(thats when i walked through the park on the ues and ended up at the gouggenheim)

(thats a puddle of pink blood)

i post pictures of myself
(thats me)

this guy
(thats him)

real trip p
(thats a picture i like)

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